The Usual Mindless Hatefest
There we go again, the tedious, tendentious slander that has become a yearly event on college and university campuses throughout the country is once again in full swing. Obviously satisfying the atavistic needs of some primitive minds to seek out an enemy and cudgel it into insensibility. Or, at the very least, ensuring that through the defamation of that errant entity that causes such manifest concern to the enlightened mind that sees evil incarnate in any who carry the Semitic gene, the blight of isolation carries the day.
Israel, as symbol incarnate of the presence of Jews in this world, seems fated to carry the burden of enmity by those 'progressive' spirits dedicated to a just and fair world where imperial traits of xenophobic, apartheid-minded countries are not to be tolerated in their occupation of innocents appealing their basic human rights. Israel alone in the world stands out as the very exemplar of a militaristic, overbearing neighbour intent on pulling the metaphoric rug out from under the deserving feet of Palestinians pining for a state of their own.
Israel, depicted as a war-mongering population. The Palestinians as a people beset by a well-armed state intent on ownership of all that has been promised by universal (United Nations) decree to the 'rightful' owners of the land. In fact a land partitioned to invite each solitude to occupy their portion. There is a process of conciliation and equal dedication to achieve peace, leading to the formation of a new state that must be undertaken. It is one where each side must be prepared to negotiate and to surrender some of their desires to reach consensus on either side. This is a two-way street to be met with earnest intention on both sides. A matter to be solved between the two protagonists.
As for the clamour over "apartheid", designating Israel and Jewish society as exclusive, it is to be assumed that to Israel's detractors it remains quite beside the point that in Israel all religions are respected, all ethnic groups can be guaranteed equality under the law. It is not to the Arab countries or the Palestinian Territories that Africans, desperate to escape persecution and civil war, trudge toward, but to Israel for asylum. When many fleeing Africans finally reach Israel they are treated in hospital for assaults they have suffered at the hands of Arabs who have persecuted the fleeing refugees.
Those Palestinians who live within Israel's borders and who enjoy citizenship with all the rights that pertain to that status, inclusive of the election to the Knesset of their own ethnic/religious representatives, have no wish to depart Israel to live within the confines of a nascent Palestinian state. Arab Christians, whose safety is threatened within an increasingly hostile Arab Muslim population in the Middle East, find security within Israel. Gays may feel free to openly practise their way of life without fear of reprisal from contemptuous Muslims for whom homosexuality is a morbid blemish deserving of death. The rights of minorities are respected under Israeli law.
Yet this is the country that is targeted as xenophobic and unjust. As an Apartheid state. One that celebrates itself as a home for the world's Jews. That it does so, gives ample proof to its racism. In contrast, the Arab states which practise active exclusion of other religions, looking askance at citizenship for those not seen as acceptably Arab, who belittle the equality of women, remain faultless. There is no reason to denounce Arab countries which foist upon their people a strictly authoritarian political/social policy. Nor express distaste of human-rights-abusing countries like Sudan, Iran, Syria or Libya.
Canada has the indubitable distinction of having fostered the first Israeli Apartheid Week. A febrile virus of volatile hatred that spread as such malevolent diseases are known to do. In a mere six years of mounting these expositions of division, malice and hatred, the infection has spread to 55 cities worldwide, whose institutes of higher learning host groups who have been swift to take up the torch of justice in the expression of solidarity with the Palestinians. Revelling in the opportunity to besmirch the legality of the existence of a Jewish state which stands proudly as an example of responsible governance to its neighbours.
"Zionist racism" expresses the blatant absurdity by Israel's detractors that finds merit in conflating Jews with racist predation. An Orwellian transformation of reality into the lunacy of words expressing the direct opposite of actuality. Where the most persecuted and despised ethnic and religious and cultural group in the world, which has gifted that world with a disproportionate number of geniuses and Nobel prize winners is held to have a collective sinister plan to control the world.
The Protocol of the Elders of Zion, that notorious blight of human mentality succumbing to the passion of utter stupidity, upheld by morons whom the enlightenment of reason bypassed, informs and stimulates the anti-Semitism passing as legitimate criticism permitted in free societies, against another free society practising all the verities of justice and liberty.
Labels: anti-Semitism, Canada, Israel, Politics of Convenience
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