March 26, 2011

Viscerally Steering the Ship

Canada's opposition parties have succeeded in closing down Parliament, and the 40th session is now history. Over what exactly? Claims that the Conservative-led government of Stephen Harper is in contempt of Parliament. On the other hand, it would appear to many that Parliament, or part of it that consists of the 'loyal' opposition is in contempt of the government-of-the-day.

Obviously what is good enough for the electorate, the voters of this great country, is not deemed by ambitiously avaricious opposition leaders to be good enough for them. The public has not had enough of the governance of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, but his political opponents have. They've had it up to - where? their gizzards.

Their spleen was breached by the too-frequent successes of this government, leading them to choke on their own gorge. They are invested with bile, so biliously poisonous and green their complexions have been compromised; they appear now as little green gnomes stamping their feet in vexed impotence.

So they have taken it upon themselves at a critical time when the economy, while on the uptick, is still sensitive to the world order, with looming crises in energy costs and food costs and the costs of basic and precious and rare metals impacting on the country's production and export. Add to that the fact we are now involved in an internationally-sponsored war.

And, despite all this, the dyspeptic opposition has left the country rudderless in a hiatus of suspense until the electorate is able to once again enunciate through their votes, their trust proffered to the only political party in Canada at the moment that appears to know what it is doing.

Well done, her Majesty's 'loyal' opposition, plus Canada's disloyal separatiste.

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