March 6, 2011


A woman is but an animal, and an animal not of the highest order. Edmund Burke

O woman, woman, when to ill thy mind
Is bent, all hell contains no fouler field. Homer

Women who are either indisputably beautiful, or indisputably ugly, are best flattered upon the score of their understandings; but those who are in a state of mediocrity, are best flattered upon their beauty, or at least their graces; for every woman who is not absolutely ugly thinks herself handsome. Lord Chesterfield

What is woman? only one of Nature's agreeable blunders. Hannah Cowley

Woman are door-mats and have been, -
The years those mats applaud, -
They keep their men from going on
With muddy feet to God. Mary Carolyn Davies

A lady is one who never shows her underwear unintentionally. Lilian Day

Mark her majestic fabric; she's a temple
Sacred by birth and built by hands divine;
Her soil's the deity that lodges there:
Nor is the pile unworthy of the god. John Dryden

Women are silver dishes into which we put golden apples. Goethe

A woman is a foreign land,
Of which, though there he settles young
A man will ne'er quite understand
The customs, politics, and tongue. Coventry Patmore

Here's to woman! Would that we could fall into her arms without falling into her hands. Ambrose Bierce

"Petticoat influence" is a great reproach ....
I for one venerate a petticoat -
A garment of a mystical sublimity.
No matter whether russet, silk or dimity. Lord Byron

The man who strikes his wife or child lays violent hands upon the holiest of holy things. Marcus Cato (Plutarch)

As the faculty of writing has been chiefly a masculine endowment, the reproach of making the world miserable has been always thrown upon the women. Samuel Johnson

Women are not altogether in the wrong when they refuse the rules of life prescribed in the world, forsomuch as only men have established them without their consent. Montaigne

Regard the society of women as a necessary unpleasantness of social life, and avoid it as much as possible. Leo Tolstoy

Women, like princes, find few real friends;
All who approach them their own ends pursue;
Lovers and ministers are seldom true. George Lyttelton

Iago: She was a wight, if ever such wight were, -
Desdemona: To do what!
Iago: To suckle fools and chronicle small beer.
Desdemona: O most lame and impotent conclusion! William Shakespeare

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