EU Ecofin Quislings send threats to Greece.
Reuters yesterday reported that the extreme measures required of the citizen's of Greece to protect the euro currency from collapse must be fully and further implemented, read here, of which this quote is the nub:
"We reminded the Greek authorities that it is important to stick to the targets for public deficits over the coming years," said the head of the euro zone group of finance ministers, who negotiated the Greek aid package.
Yet none now believe, Greec will recover as a consequence!
It is essential in following these events, to recall, that the deal done by the Finance Ministers last May was declared as knowingly illegal by the French finance Minister Christine Lagarde, being based upon Article 122 of the Lisbon Treaty, never intended for dealing with matters of finance, let alone those of particular concern only to the Euro Group. Article 122 states the following:
Article 122
1. Without prejudice to any other procedures provided for in the Treaties, the Council, on a proposal from the Commission, may decide, in a spirit of solidarity between Member States, upon the measures appropriate to the economic situation, in particular if severe difficulties arise in the supply of certain products, notably in the area of energy.
2. Where a Member State is in difficulties or is seriously threatened with severe difficulties caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences beyond its control, the Council, on a proposal from the Commission, may grant, under certain conditions, Union financial assistance to the Member State concerned. The President of the Council shall inform the European Parliament of the decision taken.
1. Without prejudice to any other procedures provided for in the Treaties, the Council, on a proposal from the Commission, may decide, in a spirit of solidarity between Member States, upon the measures appropriate to the economic situation, in particular if severe difficulties arise in the supply of certain products, notably in the area of energy.
2. Where a Member State is in difficulties or is seriously threatened with severe difficulties caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences beyond its control, the Council, on a proposal from the Commission, may grant, under certain conditions, Union financial assistance to the Member State concerned. The President of the Council shall inform the European Parliament of the decision taken.
Why do I choose the derogatory term 'Qusling' in this posting's title. Remind yourselves of what this Norwegian achieved,from Wikipedia linked here, from which comes this crucial sentence:
Thus Norway was the first country where local, non-German, fascist parties took part in the conquest of their own country after the start of the war.
George Osborne, who was unexpectedly summoned to the Budapest Ecofin meeting to set the terms for Portugal's subjugation, had no need to sign up to the terms of the EFSF agreement last May, where Alistair Darling had already capitulated to treason. Yet his boss and friend, David Cameron, joined by Nick Clegg and Gordon Brown, decided so to do! Almost a year on the consequences of their having done so are not only now clear in Greece, but also in Ireland too and very soon to be so, in Portugal, where the General Election next June is already in the process of becoming entirely irrelevant.
Other nations must handle their Finance Ministers returning from Budapest, as they are permitted to do so under their own laws protecting their constitutions. In Britain's case, the next steps seem clear, although due to New Labour's self-protective instincts, the gallows seem no longer to loom!
Labels: Ecofin treachery, EFSF, Quisling
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