April 10, 2011


Galliawatch translates an entry from Nouvelle de France, informing how an Islamofascist demonstration was being planned to protest banning the burka, whose attendants would include British and Belgian Islamists.
UMP deputy Jacques Myard did not hesitate to qualify as "fanatical fundamentalist rubbish" the aggressive tone of the organizers, and to insist they be taken to court.

Bruno Vendoire, of the Bloc Identitaire, did not know exactly who they were but declared that "it is clear that their assembly is a provocation that aims strategically to create tension in France. I can't imagine that this demonstration of hatred would be authorized by the prefect. (…) They should be arrested and sent home. Their agenda to install sharia in France justifies banning this rally (…) We do not have to tolerate the activism of puppets who are fighting our civilization."

Christine Tasin, president of Résistance Républicaine, is "perplexed" as to why the CFCM (French Council of the Muslim Religion) refuses to condemn the rally. "This means that the Muslim organizations want to install sharia in France." (…) The Mosque of Paris did not answer their phone this afternoon.

Louis Aliot, vice-president of the Front National, expressed his feeling, by the end of the afternoon, that such a rally should be banned. "We are in a Republic, the governing document is the Constitution. If these people are not French, they can go live their umma elsewhere. And if they are French, it's even worse because it illustrates the failure of assimilation."

In the end, the police banned the rally on grounds it could trigger violence.
Well that's certainly saying something. Read more to see what other details were involved.

Now we have to hope that this law will be followed through upon, if they want to maintain credibility.

On the other hand, if you want an example of someone who doesn't seek much admiration, it's the prime minister Francois Fillon, who wouldn't even attend the debate Sarkozy was holding about Islam vs. the secular state. Fillon is clearly a defeatist, and if there's anyone who should resign, it's him.

Update: one of those Islamofascists from Britain banned from demonstrating was none other than Anjem Choudhary (via The Jawa Report). That tells all you need to know that something was wrong.


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