April 15, 2011


In an example of how some moonbats never consider how the enemies they're helping are not grateful, an Italian pro-palestinian activist who was living in Gaza for several years was murdered, seemingly by a rival faction to Hamas:
Vittorio Arrigoni, 36, who had been living in the Gaza Strip for much of the past three years, was seized on Thursday by a radical group that has been in conflict with Hamas. [...]

In a video posted on YouTube, the kidnappers said Arrigoni had been taken hostage in order to secure the release of an unspecified number of their members detained by Hamas security forces, including a jihadi leader called Sheikh Hisham al-Suedani.

The kidnappers, who identified themselves as belonging to The Brigade of the Gallant Companion of the Prophet Mohammed bin Muslima, said they would execute Arrigoni if their demands were not met by 5:00 pm (1400 GMT) on Friday.
But who does Hamas accuse of responsibility? Israel, of course:
Accordingly, Hamas accused Israel of being behind the attack, noting that Arrigoni had often spoken out against Israeli policies in Gaza, going so far as to compare what he called "Israeli crimes against Palestinians" to Nazi crimes. Additionally, he was twice arrested by Israeli authorities.
I don't expect them to conduct any serious investigation into this murder, nor any serious arrests made. But maybe this'll send a message to some would-be peace activists that to live in such a violent, racist, misogynist society can be very fatal.


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