April 5, 2011

Missing Spine Recovered!

"It is not the privilege of any group to threaten to stop the work of the university. If any individual or group does not like the result of the serious deliberations of these bodies, there remains the right to make this point of view known in a respectful and peaceful fashion." Carleton University President Roseanne Runte
Finally, a response to the juvenile hysterics of student protesters on the campus of Carleton University. Students Against Israeli Apartheid insist that they be treated respectfully, their views and values taken into account by the university administration to the extent that the board of governors not only respect their motion for the university to divest funds from companies that do business with Israel, but to adopt and act upon that motion.

Their conclusions and remedies for a complex international situation to be taken seriously, respectfully, and instantly acted upon. Nothing more, nothing less. To do otherwise, as the university administration appears set on doing in their obviously misguided belief in fair judgement, is to invite further noisily nauseating disruptions in administration processes.

A week earlier, the university's board members were physically blocked from attending a scheduled meeting by several hundred protesting students representing campus groups Students Against Israeli Apartheid and the Graduate Students' Association. Who had taken umbrage at the administration decision to admit a representative few of their group in a chamber where the board meeting was to take place which could not accommodate the several hundred students who insisted on their right to attend the board meeting.

Consequently, the board meeting had to be cancelled. And the business that was to have been conducted could not proceed. "This must not occur again", an email from Carleton's president informed the student groups. "Those who have said they will interrupt meetings until they have their way are participating in inappropriate bullying tactics."

Those involved in preventing access or refusing to follow the thoughtfully outlined guidelines represented by campus security could anticipate being charged in future under Carleton's student code. Penalties, the email advised, could include suspension of privileges, inclusive of campus access, a monetary fine, or loss of academic status.

Finally, a clear and decisive instruction to students challenging the authority of the university administration that they are expected to proffer respect before they receive it; mutual accommodation. The tail should never be permitted to wag the dog. The two campus groups should understand clearly that they may endanger their student status and their academic credentials.

Nice to see the university administration standing resolutely tall and straight.

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