Crisis Mounts - 3,152 applicants for 52 Jobs -BNP Rise
The Government, the Conservative Opposition, their Mainstream Media Lackeys, the Members of Parliament, the Members of the European Parliament, Councils up and down the country, complicit troughing Civil Servants - NONE OF THESE can much longer keep the lid on their wilful destruction of the nation's economy and system of society. The Observer reports on the evidence in the employment area which may be read in gruesome detail from here.
One shocking statistic from the Isle of Wight is in this postings headline, others from the article follow:
There are just 4,275 vacancies across the 12 inner London boroughs, against almost 71,000 unemployment benefit claimants. Hackney, in east London, has 37 claimants for every new job.
When Twycross Zoo in Leicestershire held a recruitment day recently to hire 150 staff, it attracted a crowd of up to 3,000 people.
Hackney, in east London, has 37 claimants for every new job.
Again to the deep shame of the British media, once renowned for its fearless and deep analysis of political trends and independence from political control, it is left to Al Jazeera this Sunday morning to report on one absolute certain consequence of the sabotage of the nation by the establishment - the rise of the BNP, read their report from Newark on Staythorpe from here.
(The BBC did include an item on an attack on the BNP in their web coverage yesterday, read here)
Labels: BNP, Staythorpe, Unemployment
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