March 23, 2009

EPP backs Barroso for EU Commission Presidential second term

The surprise early announcement from the EPP is reported from this link. It concludes that the Lisbon Treaty ratification in Ireland will be Barroso's final hurdle, I quote:

Though the EPP has given their official goahead, the Lisbon Treaty referendum in Ireland, which is expected to pass, will likely be the last hurdle of Barroso. The current climate is one that is definitely in his favour.

A Czech report on the interview given by President Klaus to the Sunday Times over the weekend which I linked yesterday (repeated here) raises a much more interesting dilemma for the EU and one that may well mark its demise in its present form, that report is here and I quote:
Prezident Václav Klaus 12. března v Praze v pořadu v TV Nova Rok s Václavem Klausem.

published: 22.03.2009, 19:57 | updated: 22.03.2009 20:49:09

Times: Klaus dělá paralely mezi Bruselem a sovětskými diktaturami

London - Czech President Vaclav Klaus believes that the Irish will be under "enormous, and not very democratic" pressure to ratify the Lisbon treaty, the British daily Sunday Times writes today.


"Enormous and not very democratic" - do those running this EU monstrosity really believe they can so impose this legalistic mish-mash of a Treaty that fulfills none of the requirements of the objectives laid down for the Laeken Convention?

Let me put this forward again with another very real ingredient:

"Enormous and not very democratic" - do those running this EU monstrosity really believe they can so impose this legalistic mish-mash of a Treaty that fulfills none of the requirements of the objectives laid down for the Laeken Convention, (particularly after destroying the streamlining of the Commission)?

Now let us include some very present reality:

"Enormous and not very democratic" - do those running this EU monstrosity really believe they can so impose this legalistic mish-mash of a Treaty that fulfills none of the requirements of the objectives laid down for the Laeken Convention, (particularly after destroying the streamlining of the Commission)and against the backdrop of the present economic meltdown?

What will the name of President Barroso conjure for future generations of Europeans?

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