April 12, 2009

Coup de Super Etat!

While the UK media has been recently diverted by the rot clearly evident across British society the underlying cause, the corrupt EU, from which it is now widely accepted some 75 to 80 per cent of our law derives thus making it our true government, has quietly suffered a coup d'etat.

How many, even among the best informed of Britain's citizens, now realise that the Presidency of the European Council and thus of the EU itself under the terms of the Nice Treaty is now held by a complete unknown individual who merely a few days ago was a low civil servant in one of the smaller 27 member states charged with running that country's statistics office!

Regular readers of this blog will be the exception of course!

Perhaps my title should have been EU Super-state Coup d'etat, except of course there is nothing super about the EU.

Who were the powers behind this takeover? Why was it first announced that the properly elected President of the Czech Republic would control the June EU Summit but after the appointment of PM Fisher reports state this will not now be the case?

When EU Parliament President Dr Hans Gert-Poettering (link) states the following:

“I can not imagine that 10 million Czechs will turn against (the other) 490 million EU citizens.”

What do his words mean? If he is talking of the greater good of so many people we have returned to totalitarianism, if not outright fascism and once again in Europe the simple phrase the "Greater Good" has come to be code for any individual's "Greater Evil"

The Lisbon Treaty must be abandoned by the forces behind the EU project (whoever they may be) before further erosions of democracy and the greater freedoms of all the people of Europe are trampled yet still further!

Can any Treaty, let alone one as flawed and incomprehensible as the Lisbon Treaty, really be worth the degradation of standards and principle which all the people of the EU and beyond can now so clearly see?

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