April 14, 2009

Tories testing the concept of Opposing!

The following is the last part of a letter sent to the Cabinet Secretary by Francis Maude and made public, in full here:

7. In the case of Mr Tom Watson, who is both Minister for the Civil Service and Minister for Digital Engagement, did he have any knowledge of or involvement in the Red Rag website? Are you satisfied that he has complied fully with the Ministerial Code, given that he was referred to in one of the e-mails published yesterday? What action have you taken to assure yourself that this is the case?

8. What action are you taking to find out if the e-mails sent by Damian McBride are part of a broader pattern of activity by other Special Advisers, and if there are similar initiatives involving either officials in Downing Street or Ministers or Special Advisers elsewhere in the Government?

As I am sure you are aware, this affair raises broader concerns about the degree to which a government which has been in office for twelve years thinks it can simply ignore the rules, and the extent to which the Code of Conduct for Special Advisers — as well as the Ministerial Code -are being properly upheld. These concerns will only grow as we approach the forthcoming General Election. I would therefore be grateful to know what action you are taking to ensure that the relevant codes are being rigorously enforced, and to reassure both the Conservative Party -and the other opposition parties — that there neither are nor will be any similar initiatives from within the British Government, either now or in the future.

Given the public interest in this matter, I am releasing this letter to the Press.

The Rt Hon Francis Maude MP Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office



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