May 20, 2009

BBC blacks out the English Democrats

Showing a familiar pattern of subverting England' s democracy the English Democrats Party has forwarded a complaint to the BBC which you may choose to join by sending a similar message to the following:


Dear BBC

Yesterday was the English Democrats Press Launch – we had the agreed amount of 20-30 Seconds coverage to use, secured by our 9 Deposits of £45,000.

You FAILED to cover the speech of Robin Tilbrook – National Party Chairman - which lasted for 20-30 Seconds.

Instead you did a voice over, telling the viewer that the English Democrats achieved 0.8% of the vote in England in 2004 You Failed to tell the view that actually the English Democrats only stood in 5 EU Regions in 2004 and actually achieve 1.4% where they stood, and achieved 130,000 votes, which given the TOTAL lack of coverage of the English Democrats by the BBC in 2004, was a surprising result (BNP and UKIP got half this the first time they stood)

YOU also failed to mention that in 2004 the BBC Failed to give the English Democrats ANY TV or Radio Coverage due to a mistake by the BBC.

Additionally, despite the fact that it had been pre-agreed that YOU the BBC only wanted a 20-30 Second Video of Robin Tilbrook, you decided to use Footage to imply that the Hall was poorly attended, when in fact a handful of helpers had attended simply to put up the Exhibition Stand.

If you wanted to see a Hall full of English Democrats then you should have responded to your invite to attend the English Democrats Spring Conference in Portsmouth in April 2009.

Please explain why the BBC, has deliberately portrayed the English Democrats in such a poor light, and what YOU intend to rectify your mistake

(YOU pulled the same stunt in 2005, and in 2008 misinformed the public that the English Democrats Mayoral Candidate had withdrawn when in fact it was not possible for him to withdraw unless he was dead - this was not the case)

Please explain why you are deliberately trying to sabotage the English Democrats Campaign, and what you will do to rectify this sabotage.




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