May 10, 2009

The EU and its Youth

Last evening there was a joint broad cast by France 24 the TV station and RFI Radio France International which may be viewed from this link. This is a weird but very important programme which if at all possible I urge you to find the time to view if you have any interest in the furture of any country of Europe.

Answering questions from a clearly very carefully and very small audience and panel was Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering, (former head of the EPP Group to which the Conservative Party in the UK has, in spite of promises to the contrary, been affiliated) who for the recent past has been President of the faux/sham Parliament in Strasbourg where the programme was recorded.

I am replaying the recording at present and I will record here later today the main moments of high interest as they struck me.

The first point of amazement comes about five minutes in to the video when a German aged 32 (note the curious ideas on youth this EU entertains) called Johan states that as a researcher in Human Genetics after ten years of specialist training, quotes some colleagues with similar specialist qualifications, can only obtain renewable contract for six months and earn a pittance of 1700 euros a monthclearly insufficient to buy a house let alone consider starting a family.

The remote and ridiculous response by the EU Parliament's President tells us all we need to know about this despicable EU. The smug, self-satisfied, pig-troughing apparatchik begins his reply "I am only a poor lawyer not a scientist...."

Later, asked about the project for further federalisation, Pöttering stated that because of British sensibilities they have to refer to federal moves as communalisation, then asking whether any British are present and finding none he describes his UK partners as "similar kinds of people to us" with the clear intent to imply they are not. This reply is even more startling when in a later reply he goes out of his way when boasting of his self-importance of having been President of the EurMed Parliaments for a year he described everybody along the coast of North Africa, through the Middle East, Israel and Turkey as exactly the same as "we Europeans"!

A hint of the consequences of the disastrous EU policies and their effects on the youth of the Continent may be found with the clocks at the side-bar at the right head of this blog, a particularly poignant reminder for this blogger today.



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