November 6, 2009

Islamists in southern Somalia have stoned a man to death for adultery but spared his pregnant girlfriend until she gives birth

In America, Christians protest against promiscuity, and the inevitable abortions which result, with WORDS.

In the Muslim world, they protest by killing the promiscuous:

Abas Hussein Abdirahman, 33, was killed in front of a crowd of some 300 people in the port town of Merka.

An official from the al-Shabab group said the woman would be killed after she has had her baby.

So, two people had sex, and a baby resulted. So, the Islamists are going to kill the two people, but spare the babe.

Two out of three ain't bad, right?

Hey, at least they're against abortion.

And, of course, we have to keep our eyes out, here in the Western World, for the rise of the Christian Taliban.


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