February 8, 2010

Will The Real America Please Stand Up!

Is this heartland America? Is this what roughly fifty percent of U.S. citizens embrace? What a serious lack of judgement John McCain succumbed to, listening to the really amazing idea of one or more of his campaign managers in selecting Sarah Palin, an obscure, inexperienced and not-too-bright fundamentalist Republican as his presidential running-mate. In so doing he has inspired her to reach for the top.

And in the process exposed Americans on either side of the great ideological divide to shame and ridicule that they could possibly as a nation consider this lowest common denominator as a potential head of government. Huge numbers of Americans deride this woman and refuse to believe that there are those among them who support her vision of America. Equally large numbers appear to believe she is the answer to what ails their political system.

None of the absurd things she has said or stumbled into revealing her abysmal lack of knowledge appear to have affected the level of her grass-roots popularity among the independent-minded demographic. She has herself declared "I'm never going to pretend that I know more than the next person". She knows, unerringly, that it hardly matters what she says; taken for modesty, that is part of her appeal.

How modest is the woman? She has also said with utter confidence "I would [make a bid for the 2012 presidency], if I believed that that was the right thing to do for my country and for my family." This proud Alaskan mother and hunter and church-goer and politico also said she considered it to be "absurd not to consider what it is that I can potentially do to help our country."

It's a fair bet that a whole lot of Americans would be delighted to inform her what she could do to help the country, and none of their recommendations would come close to confirming her 'right' to run the country. Of course, with enough backing and sufficient votes, anyone could conceivably become President of the United States.

Is it even remotely conceivable that this bubbly, self-confident, delusional woman could attain to that height? Is it possible that a poll ranked her the top Republican candidate for a 2012 presidential run? We know there's no cheese on the moon, but we don't know that enough misguided souls would vote for Miss Confidence to make the first female president a reality.

Should we care? Why would we not? America the Great has a profound effect on the fortunes of countries around the world, in lock-step with their moderate balance and moral conviction goes the world's balance or lack thereof.

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