April 7, 2010

Looking For Mr. Electable

There is one Liberal Member of Parliament whose sensitivities, sensibilities and intelligence stands out among most others of his party's members. He does not appear ever to have considered running for the leadership of his party. It may likely be that he does not appear to others to be an inspired leader.

It's possible that he is more dedicated to being a human being and attempting in his own small way to help where he can, than in being, let us say, political. This is a man who spends his 'leisure time' in Third-World countries mentoring and applying his civilian trade to the ill and the impoverished.

He is currently giving advice to the Conservative-led government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Of course, the prime minister is no laggard in the creative intelligence department either, and it would appear that even without Dr. Martin's recommendation, he may have led himself to a similar conclusion.

With respect to the hiccoughs in his current truly inspired G8 plan to take impressively-dedicated steps to improve the health of women and children in those Third-World countries.
Where some half-million lives are lost every year during pregnancy and childbirth. And children often don't live beyond infancy. Where malaria and other endemic diseases take too many lives.
Where malnutrition and lack of primary health care are realities of their existence.

Since there are lawmakers in all parties who are burdened with a conscience that will not permit them to agree to abortion-provision as part and portion of aiding and assisting poor women abroad, and the prime minister appears to have no wish to include it as an asset when required, in family planning or pregnancy-cessation, the idea that Mr. Martin brings is timely. And worth studying, and implementing.

That each country of the G8 could voluntarily assume one element of the processes whereby maternal health and longevity could be improved.

"For example, Canada could be the lead nation on training health care workers and micronutrients, another country could focus on providing medications, another on access to family planning and safe abortions, etc. This would enable Mr. Harper to move forward with an effective plan of action while being sensitive to the views on abortion of some of his members", offered Mr. Martin.

Sensible to the nth degree.

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