April 23, 2010

MSM WTF: "And every news home page looks like the Drudge Report. "

A quote from piece today at NPR (via HOT AIR) reveals that the average MSM elitist doesn't know jack squat about DRUDGE.

In a paragraph imagining how an utterly crisis-ridden USA might lead to a primary challenger for Obama, the NPR columnist wrote:
And every news home page looks like the Drudge Report.
Er, um... since DRUDGE is merely an aggregator of leading headlines from leading news services and newspaper from around the nation (and world), this is already the case nearly every day.

The left thinks DRUDGE is some right-wing propagandist when all he really is is the number one referrer for most major news organizations and stories. Because DRUDGE broke the Lewinsky story the left has pigeonholed him as a right-winger. It's a lie that reveals the leftist elite is ignorant. It's the same crap they spew about FOXNEWS.

They think they know everything, but they really don't know shit.

Or as Reagan said; it's not that they don't know anything; it's that everything they know is wrong.


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