April 8, 2010

Post-mortem on a corrupt Parliament.

So the assorted elected petty-thieves, confidence tricksters and outright criminals who have sat in this most disgraceful Parliament in the nation's history will today mostly spread out like a filthy stain across the land, from the confines of Westminster where they have largely been contained, to the individual constituencies where they will have the shameless gall to ask the electorate for a renewal of their parasitical existence.

Do not forget that it was these MPs of all three main parties who were elected on a campaign pledge not to pass a new EU Treaty without a referendum. The Parliament to which all Prospective Parliamentary Candidates now stand is thus now a mere relic of history, with no remaining meaningful powers.

Do not elect any of them, instead select some who will eventually remove their MP and Cabinet pensions.

One victory for this Parliament worth noting is that of the hereditary peers over New Labour, the latter had striven for thirteen years to remove the former, a plan now lost in this week's "wash up".

Another astounding element of today's events was the interview this morning by John Humphreys on the BBC Radio 4 'Today' programme of Gordon Brown. The interviewer finally proved he could confront this charlatan with reality and the brutal national consequences of this dreadful bully's deceit.

But why only NOW? Such interviewing techniques directed at uncovering the facts could have ended the lying of New Labour many years earlier and spared the nation billions in its present debts! The only conclusion on Humphreys and his ilk is that they were too wedded to their obscene salaries and perks supplied in his case by the cash-strapped licence payers. Parliament's New Labour sycophants across the print and broadcast media must also shoulder much blame for the distress of our Nation all across the full spectrum of national life!

So where next? We must await the results of 6th May but all present permutations on the division of power seem equally hopeless.

In view of the success of the former baronial classes, may I suggest (only partly tongue in cheek) that a further resort to the hereditary concepts by a timely abdication and possible princely standing aside from the line of accession might hold the seed for our economic rescue. The BIS, OECD and IMF are all suggesting our plight is worse than that of Greece and Ireland where civil servant pay cuts of around 25% and other drastic measure are required. No imaginable elected representative appears likely to carry the authority for such measures. So good luck, therefore, to all, except those, of course, who have inhabitated the Westminster bubble for the past thirteen years!



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