April 24, 2010

Treasures from the threads - Number forty-one

A comment to Matthew Parris in The Times today put it like this:

Neo Vita wrote:
I want nothing more from the coming election than the complete and utter destruction of the Labour Party.

They have assailed centuries of legal tradition of the rule of law and liberties, have brought in the surveillance state, have created 3,000 new "crimes", have introduced countless new agencies representing beaurocratic fascism to oppress the citizen, have destroyed family life and the concept of Britishness, have squandered our gold reserves and made us a vassal province of the EU.

They have robbed the taxpayer blind and blown the proceeds on creating a welfare client state, and finally, bankrupted the Nation, tripling the National Debt in 13 years.

They deserve total oblivion and it is sure to come.
April 24, 2010 1:14 AM BST on community.timesonline.co.uk
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