The Chuckle-Maestro
Could anyone possibly be more miserably spiteful and righteously self-involved than an old Liberal hack who just refuses to fade into history? He purports to speak straight from the heart, and if so that organ must be black and desiccated by his obsession with greed and narcissism.
Those Canadians who deplore the very memory of Jean Chretien as an embarrassment of a prime minister, an impostor, a charlatan, the littlest of little men, would far prefer never to hear of or from him again. Alas, he refuses to be silenced or silent.
His warm relations with the Chinese establishment, politicians and corporate heads in Beijing did well for Canada, he claims. What he meant was that while in the position of prime minister he feathered his future corporate and opportunistic nest by making the contacts that would stand him in such remunerative stead after leaving public office.
And now he is in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where he is quoted as heartily favouring good relations with the United Arab Emirates, which he had burnished while at the helm of government, and which the dastardly Conservative-led government has tarnished.
"I think this problem has not been well managed", was his considered opinion. "I hope (the Canadian government) will resolve the difficulty because we need good relations with this part of the world", Chretien shamelessly informed Arabian Business.
"I never had any problems when I was prime minister with the countries here. I never had, in the 10 years I was there, had that type of problem without finding a solution." Most certainly there were no problems because under his Liberal-led rule, Canada's moral face at the UN was shameful.
His solution? Trade that favours the absorption of human rights and justice and equality rights into a little casket not to be disturbed while countries like Canada during his tenure handily overlooked their moral amnesia.
Labels: Government of Canada, Middle East, Politics of Convenience
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