January 9, 2011

A Partial List of Tragic Events The Left Has Blamed on "Right-Wing Extremists"

Yesterday, when I heard of the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords, my first reaction was to think it must be the work of a right-wing extremist.

However, when I heard the kid's name was Jared - and this is going to sound simplistic, stupid, and nutty - my first reaction was to joke,

"No, no, he's not a right-wing extremist. He has no father, his mother raised him by herself, he hates all authority, especially the military, and he has Medical Marijuana clearance, and a car made out of hemp. That's the story with all 20 year old boys named Jared."

When the truth about Jared Loughner came out, it turns out I was closer than I could have imagined when I made my joke.

Anyway, point is, Jared is not what we initially thought. His lunatic ravings about BCE, AD, and secret languages composed through alphabet cyphers are the types of thoughts that go through the heads of people who have smoked a lot of extremely resin-heavy ganja, and likely dabbled in other psychadelics as well.

Or, as AOW has pointed out, it could be that he is an old-fashioned schizo who went off his meds.

Here is just a partial list of events in which the left-wing and Democratic Party media operation has immediately blamed right-wing rhetoric, only to be proven wrong when the facts finally came out:

Bill Sparkman,

Amy Bishop,

The Fort Hood Shooter,

The IRS Plane Crasher,

The Cabbie Stabbing,

and The Pentagon Shooter.

The facts will come out about the shooting and murder by Loughner.

Until then, we'll be subjected to the sickness of people who seek to use the crime to their political advantage and who will worry about the facts later on, if ever.
Go read the whole thing.


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