February 7, 2011

Iran Triumphant

The Islamic Republic of Iran's Supreme Leader has been heartened to see that sincere protests against an autocratic government by young people insisting on their right to freedom and equality, to democratic reform, is taking very serious steps toward success. He is jubilant on behalf of the Egyptian people. They may be Arab, and Iranians are Aryan, but they are both joined in Islam.

"This explosion we see among the people of Egypt is the appropriate response to this great betrayal that the traitor dictator committed against his people", railed Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. No doubt to great acclaim on the part of those gathered to listen. Who would, of course, never think of comparing the incomparable.

As, for example when Green Party protesters in Tehran came out in their tens of thousands to challenge the 10th presidential elections for the fraud they were recognized to be internationally. At that time the Middle East cringed with the hope that a change in that government might occur, and Iran present as less a threat to them than it currently does.

But those Iranian protesters were shot at and beaten by the Basiji militia, and by the Revolutionary Guards who knew to whom they were indebted, and it was not the reformers. The voices raised in exultation at the prospect of overturning the brutal Iranian regime were muted as their they and their leaders were jailed, tortured or isolated from the populace.

Certainly a successful settling of accounts. And now Iran goes on its course toward total domination of the Middle East, and it has its friends, like Turkey, seeing no reason to fear Iran's conquest of nuclear armament production. Religious persecution, death sentences without trial or jury for dissenters have elevated the Supreme Leader to a position of omnipotence.

Who now will stand courageously forward to defy his edicts brought down in the name of the Iranian Revolution? Editor of the Iranian newspaper Kayhan commenting approvingly on Egypt's travail:
"All the demands and slogans are in complete congruence with the teachings of the Islamic revolution: 'Death to America'; 'Death to Israel'; 'Hail Islam'; 'Death to the Seculars'; 'Islam is My religion."
Courage? It is still there, cowering, but willing to raise its head when the occasion demands: "The starting point of what we are now witnessing on the streets of Tunis, Sanaa, Cairo, Alexandria and Suez can undoubtedly be traced back to the days of June 2009 when people took to the streets of Tehran in their millions shouting 'Where is my vote'" wrote the leader of Iran's Green protest movement, Mir Hossein Mousavi.

Well, Mr. Mousavi, where is your vote? What are those million defiant (subdued) Iranians now engaged with, in preparation for the day when their will may prevail and their abysmally totalitarian government breaking records with their obsession in executing those who offend their righteous sense of Islamism, will be overturned?

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