April 14, 2011


Do not be too believe in the Lord. Because, it's possible that  your God  respecful greeting is God's creation, discovery, unbendingness, the last imagination and thinking. God exists in the brain and imagination. God created by the seniors, parents, and religious leaders. Not the truth of God, but God's heritage. Which then bind, torture, and provoke them. Muhammad was not God Almighty Everything (Sy Syorga Mad, 1996, p. 7). That's about the appropriate sentence for the commencement of this writing in response to his writings Marluwi, Finding God in daily point of this (14/11). In his writings, Marluwi ask some fundamental questions that inspired me to try to discuss it. Is morality and our performance until now in  the searching  or God is reflected and has been Got ? Especially in the natural and social environment?
from that Questions it will open our consciousness, conscience. Does the person who notabenenya as homo religious, does not fully reflect the reality as beings who seek God. Find this man of God made man increasingly need kehadirannnya. Because, Allah will never be seen by the 'ain (naked eye) of man. Imam 'Athoillah in the Book of Hikam questioned how could the Lord is very near, the light can not be found by humans. Man seeking God by Imam 'Athoillah likened foraging bats or something during the day. Bats certainly can not see anything in the daytime. He was looking for food at night. Darkness to Light his own bat is to find something you want in the search.
There is no denying that men are currently trapped in a ritual-formalism. Someone occasionally go to the mosque every day, going to church and other places of worship only to devote themselves to worship God. Furthermore, when all activity is completed the ritual is complete and out of places of worship, as if finished our devotion to God and considered it a ritualistic not significant (socially valuable horizontal). Servitude itself is only stop on the mat, place of prostration. God as only being in places of worship such as Mosques, Churches, temples, temples and others.
Beyond that, humans have been separated from the "spy on" the Lord, so be allowed to do anything to His will. So it is not strange when someone who is devout worship vertically, but he was oppressing people nearby. Rakyat Indonesia is a religious nation. However, until now, the people of Indonesia still has not been able to show an attitude that reflects his religion. Recorded 6689 boarding school in the country of corruption, violence, nepotism, rampant and still evolving today in the country overwhelmingly believe in God. Is not it God's prohibitions. God has never become an inspiration for social piety. Maybe if the public has the ability in the logic of hegemony by force of an affair with Religion (The character)?
It is a mirror of the religious system of the Indonesian nation. The community is still nostalgic happier with the Lord in places of worship which is believed would help him to escape from the chaos that melilitnya. So, the question above is important to consider and reflect together. The extent to which the people of Indonesia can present a God who tremendum and fascinisum in everyday life. Can display the attributes of God such as the Rahman-Rahim on social attitudes in the midst of this multi-religious society.
God is not something that is outside of human life. He always comes and with him. The Koran states that God is near (qarib fainny), even closer than veins. God is also involved in the process of history. Because, man is like a "robot" God who set-up in such a way as to become the best creature. If you can not bring God in the midst of the realities of life, then God is always watching and always with us. So this is where the importance of charity.
If a sense of togetherness with God does not stop at places of worship, but continue in everyday life, then the question will be answered tickled by itself. Therefore, worship or serve the Lord not only interpreted by privatus is with God, but also on social action. social piety this is one aspect of piety kaffah. Therefore, social action is a mirror and the reflection of a personal action by God. Both aspects (private and public) is actually not something separate and distinct questions, in what way the above can be implemented at the level of praxis? How can this be made on each person? Is not God is mysterious, very difficult to think about it? And is not every human being to interpret or imagine God vary which in turn will result in social action?
The author does not pretend to peel each one of the questions above. But at least there are some records that need to be considered in realizing the ideals of the above. First, change the paradigm of thinking. If at first considered only God is present in every prostration in place of worship, should now be able to bring God in public life. God has been understood in "bounce" is now needed to interpret the earth. Because, God is not where the Untouchables by humans. Second, the attributes of God who became known as the Asmaul Husna, at 99 besides Takabbaur nature, because nature is only proper to God must maraji '(reference) in social action. Because, man is the caliph of Allah (khalifatullah fiy al-Ardhi) which should not be unable to represent the attributes of God are together in this life. The purpose God created man as a vicegerent on earth not to manage and reconcile the world order towards, it's better not barbarians.
Third, in articulating the attributes of God in social reality, a person required to be able to call in the room must comply with the demands of a particular culture or conditions to the nature of God and the reality is more communicative and dialogic. Culture or tradition is one determinant in transenden.Terlepas reveals the existence of God from all the above, the presence of God in the midst of human life - once again not just in places of worship would be to apply a good spirit and fair to our fellow human beings beings. Because, imagination about God still has the "bargaining power" to serve as monitoring and controlling all movements of every human step.
If you think God still can not be used as a control human behavior, so here is a period where God has run out of "progress" in the trajectory of history. However, thinking God will not perish even in Libas by positivist-rationalistic age. This is because, in akali (ratio), humans have not been able to interpret all phenomena of life for later subdued. For this reason, people will still believe in the existence of forces outside himself. This is power in primitive society (primitive religion) as Mana, hereinafter referred to as Jehovah / Allah / YHWH / and so forth. Thinking (dhikr) of Allah in the open, then internalize and articulate the values ​​they catch in day-to-day attitude is a reflection and mirror of God's attributes. Humans need to copy the properties inherent in the universal essence of God even if God remains Laisa kamitslihi syai'un.



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