April 5, 2011

Oh, Elizabeth!

Snubbed again. Life can be so unfair! You deserve better, we know you do, because you insist that you do. Never yourself elected to a seat in Parliament, nor even one of your Green Party candidates, but you're a credible candidate for inclusion in a leaders' debate to be televised to the great Canadian electorate.

There are many who believe that your eventual inclusion the last time around served only to muddy the waters, confuse issues, values, priorities. Along with the other three main party leaders you took part in the pre-election debate, but, according to the pundits, added nothing of any substance. Just the occasional environmental chirp.

Chirping is out. Tweeting is in. And you tweeted your disgust at the lack of justice. How could they do this to you? Not only the broadcasting executives, those stupid twerps, but that unconscionable federal court judge who disinterestedly refused to issue an emergency ruling? I mean - twerp!
Green Party leader Elizabeth May in Vancouver, B.C., on Wednesday March 30, 2011. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck.

And then, of course, there's those other parties, those losers, the Marijuana Party, the Pirate party, the Communist party, the Libertarian Party, the Rhinoceros Party; give us a break! Do they really think the Green Party belongs in the same none-entity category they inhabit? The "Other parties Discussion" may garner them a few mentions in local media, but we're talking national coverage with the Leaders' Debate!

Bloody well of course there's no way Elizabeth May will lower herself and the Green Party to appear at the Other Parties Discussion. What's to be gained by it, associating herself and her party with those also-rans-but-didn't-rate!

Really, life can be such a bitch!

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