March 9, 2009

Arbitrary execution can be killing even if not used!

Over the past weekend I re-posted a blog from July 2004 regarding the dangers of the right of the EU Commission to have the power to withdraw legislation from the EU Parliament were it to be amended in a manner not to its (the Commission of course, not any EU citizens) liking. I stressed that the ability to pull legislation was potentially forceful enough to avoid ever having to do such a thing thus allowing the existence of the "powers' to become little known.

I asked an EU law expert for his views and he has today informed me that his researches will require some time which may not be available for a few weeks. I hope the matter can be clarified before the June Parliamentary elections.

On reflecting on the likely impact of this extremely blunt legislative tool the best comparison I have been able to find is with an ancient Royal Power to order summary executions, the fact of its existence being generally more than sufficient to ensure that it is rarely if ever used!



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