April 15, 2009

McBride's Media Assets must be exposed and removed.

Alice Miles writing in The Times this morning, linked here, takes up this blog's theme of the culpability of the media in the now widely acknowledged fatal poisoning of Britain's political processes, read here and here. I quote from her article in the The Times, but add my own emphasis:

The keys to the system are held by journalists. It is only through the collusion of journalists that underhand and anonymous attacks on political colleagues can have any effect.

The media are all chorusing now: we knew, we called him McNasty and McPoison, we had nothing to do with him, he sent us foul messages, we didn’t like him. But the point is, we did know. We may not have known the detail of the nasty smears about senior Conservatives that Mr McBride was dreaming up, but we knew about the smears against his own side. We knew what he was up to, and we knew that he was being paid more than £100,000 a year of public money to do it – and we did nothing to stop it.

Many are guilty but the main culprits are undoubtedly at the heart of the organisation that is now the State Controlled Broadcaster, still calling itself the BBC but bearing no resemlance to that once august institution, which has led the way and set the tone.

I repeat the four that should, in my view, be the first to go (also without severance pay and only the basic state pension for the years served) as appearing with the title from my earlier posting:

The BBC must now sack the Purveyors of the Poison

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