January 31, 2011

Response to Gov Brown's State of the State


Dear Governor Brown,                                                Jan. 31, 2011
In your State of the State Address tonight you requested ideas on where revenues might come from to avoid the painful budget cuts proposed.   Here are our recommendations.
It is clear that the California budget is in crisis, and the issues are clear  in Governor Brown’s budget proposals.  There are no quick nor easy solutions. We can not simply cut our way out of the crisis; budget cuts and lay offs make the recession worse.
School funding reveals the nature of crisis.  In the last two years the k-12 budget “solutions” have cut 4.6 billion dollars from the schools. We have larger classes and fewer teachers.  School reform has stopped- except for the politicians’  speeches.  School funding makes up a total of 30% of the state budget.  Any crisis in the state budget and any cuts in the state budget will make school budgets worse.
California will need to raise taxes to fund  schools and to repair the social safety net.  Anti tax radicals and Republicans  oppose any tax increases.   The state ‘solutions’ of the last three years depended upon receiving federal stimulus money.  The stimulus monies are almost finished and with the Republican winning control  of Congress there will probably not be more funds.
The world wide economic crisis was created by  U.S. finance capital and banking, mostly on Wall Street , ie. Chase Banks, Bank of America, AIG, and others.   Finance capital produced a $ 2 trillion bailout of the financial industry, the doubling of U.S. unemployment rate and the loss of 2 million manufacturing jobs.  More than 15   million people are out of work.  At the national level almost all of the projected deficit through 2020 will be the result of three factors: the Great recession, the tax cuts of the early 2000s under George W. Bush, and the hundreds of billions of dollars of war spending.
The economic stalemate in California has produced school funding cuts far beyond reasonable levels.  At present,  the state ranks 47th among all states in its per-pupil spending, spending $2,856 less per pupil than the national average.
  In California we need to spend more state money to improve schools, to develop roads and infrastructure, and to create jobs.  Those who are well educated are more employed and paying taxes while those with less education, those who leave school, are in a prolonged economic crisis.  It is well documented that our schools and our universities are in a finance crisis.  We need to be preparing young people for new jobs and to create new industries.  The success of students in higher education will significantly determine California’s future competitiveness and prosperity.   Improving education, including both k-12 and higher education, makes California more likely to attract investment and the creation of new jobs and new industries.

California government must protect and empower our citizens. To foster prosperity  it must prepare the young for civic participation. (BTW. This has been recognized since the first California Constitution of 1849).  Protection includes health care, social security, safe food, environmental protection, safe streets, job protection, etc. Our state  needs roads, bridges, telephone lines, communications systems, energy and quality education.  These services make freedom and prosperity possible. Conservative opposition to these services ignore the economy’s  need for infrastructure.
Specific proposals  to increase revenue:
·      Enforce the current California law taxing the sales of goods by out of state companies ( such as Amazon)  over the internet.  Gain. 1.2 billion $. There is already legislation to do this.

·      Pass the 10.1 billion dollar jobs package as proposed in the Assembly last year.  This would pay off debts to local governments and keep teachers in classrooms to avoid massive layoffs.  Pay for the Jobs package with a new oil severance tax.  California is the only oil producing state in the country that imposes no taxes on the pumping of oil. The proposed tax was to be 6% of the sales price of oil.  Alaska and Louisiana both charge 12.5%.   

·      Establish a  public state bank such as the Bank of North Dakota. Initially move 25% of all state revenue, receipts and reserves into this bank and 25% of all PERS and STRS funds. Manage the bank as a public service. Over time, finance state borrowing from our own bank.   Gain.  6% of the budget.

·      Continue efforts to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse where it exists.  There may be legitimate savings here.  Employees, particularly managers should not be able  to inflate pay in the year or two before retirement in order to receive an outsized pension benefit. While these cases  are not the major source of financial stress of pension systems, abuses are frequently publicized and undermine confidence in the administration and fairness of public employee pensions.

·      Repeal the 2009 and 2008 tax cuts for corporations passed to gain the extra Republican votes for the budget.  Savings $1 billion.

·      As a consequence of the just passed federal tax reductions, including the reduction of taxes to the wealthiest taxpayers,  Washington-based Citizens for Tax Justice estimate that  California’s richest taxpayers will be saving about $14 billion annually on their federal taxes. The next wealthiest 4 percent, with an average income of $310,000, will save another $6.5 billion.  State taxes should be increased on these two groups to secure this available 20.6 Billion dollars to fund the necessary jobs creation projects. 
·      Sell state bonds to gain funds for investment. At present we pay bond holders a market rate.  Rates are so low at present we should borrow and invest.  To achieve a   stimulus we could sell many more bonds in particular to  the public employees retirement system PERS  and STRS.  
·      Many more sources of revenue need to be developed.  We have been thinking too small and looking in the wrong directions           

Since the state can not go into debt it will need to use tax policy to raise the funds necessary for public investments.  The state has also been targeting particular industries, notably the film industry with tax subsidies and local governments have been providing tax subsidies in the form of enterprise zones.  Along with needed  tax reform, these forms of subsidies (debt) should be reformed to focus on economic growth.    Tax suggestions were in the prior section.
 The legislature could also place on the ballot a “split roll” property tax initiative to deal with the present inequities of taxation. In virtually every county, commercial property is paying a far smaller share of the property tax since Proposition 13 passed in 1978.

Commercial property is able to exploit huge loopholes in the law to avoid reassessment upon change in ownership.
             We can follow the process of Ireland and Greece and dramatically cut services and raise taxes and impoverish the economy.  Then, since the state  is poorer and has less income you will need to raise more taxes and cut more services all in an effort to protect the excessive profits of bankers and bond holders.
California can continue the current process of cuts and reductions.  The fiscal crises of the states – all the states- has caused major cut backs and retrenchment and made the economic crisis approach a depression.  The state cut backs are greater than the federal stimulus producing a prolonging of the crisis for working people.  Continuing on the present direction produces obscene profits for billionaires along with growing poverty and hardships for the majority.
In Conclusion:
    Providing  you with these sources reveals that “another way is possible.”  We refuse to accept the severe cuts in social services, education, police and fire protection, and health care among others. Relying upon budget cuts to “balance” the budget means leaving in place the many current corporate subsidies for the well off while producing more unemployment and hardship for the majority.
   Please use your leadership position to produce a humane budget this year.  Then, if you do, we can work together to pass the proposed revenue initiatives in the June election.

Duane Campbell,
For the Sacramento Progressive Alliance. 
A committee of Progressive Democrats of America
2827 Catania Way, Sacramento, Ca. 95826

Gar Alperovitz, America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our Democracy.  (2005) John Wiley and Sons
Dean Baker,  Plunder and Blunder: The Rise and Fall of the Bubble Economy, (2009)
Campbell, Duane.  Choosing Democracy: a practical guide to multicultural education. (2010)
Justin Fox,  The Myth of the Rational Market: a History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street. (2009)
Jeff Faux, The Global Class War: How America’s Bipartisan Elite Lost Our Future- and What It Will Take to Win It Back. ( 2006)
William Grieder,  The Soul of Capitalism: Opening Paths to a Moral Economy. (2003).
David Harvey, The Enigma of Capital and the Crisis of Capitalism.  (2010)
Paul Krugman,  The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008.  (2009)
Nomi Prins.  It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bailouts, Bonuses and Backroom Deals from Washington to  Wall Street. (2009)
Joe Schwartz,  The Future of Democratic Equality; Rebuilding Social Solidarity in a Fragmented United States. (2008)
Joseph E. Stiglitz.  Free Fall, America, Free markets, and the Shrinking World Economy.  (2010

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HH Tweets: Missing Beltbuckle Isn't a Mistake

HartHanson : It's not a mistake that Booth isn't wearing his cocky belt buckle. It's a decision Booth has made either consciously or subconsciously.

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MS Tweets: Snowing in LA

maskedscheduler : It's snowing at the Royal Diner. Only in LA #BONES

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EOnline: Daisy and Sweets Spoiler

Julie in Tampa: I love Daisy on Bones! And I especially love her and Dr. Sweets. Please tell me we'll be seeing more of her and then. And what is to come for them? If you're a Daisy-Sweets fan, you best tune in for the Feb. 10 episode of Bones. One of the storylines centers on their relationship, even though Daisy is not actually in the episode.Source: EOnlineTipster: ChoeBe

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Exchanging Geography

"You'll never get an offer that is more fair or more just. don't hesitate. this is hard for me too, but we don't have an option of not resolving [the conflict]." Ehud Olmert
Negotiations between reasonable individuals will bear fruit when there are no assumptions, but there are earnest attempts to bridge the gap of expectations. Some give, some take. At the top of the agenda must be the determination to be as thoughtful and as open to recommendations from each side as possible, to balance the needs of each and arrive at workable solutions.

Good will is an overused term, but it cannot be overstressed. Coming into a negotiating session with the pretense of co-operation but the intention of balking at potential solutions spells failure. Just as much as arrogance and entitlement.

When, after prolonged periods of negotiation between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority and the helpful interventions of the United States and other stake-holders in the Middle East, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met with then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for what was to be a final negotiating meeting between the two principals, there were high hopes for success.

Despite which, there was no agreement to be finalized into a workable peace plan. And in the final analysis, that was the case for the very same reason that Yasser Arafat, a far more malicious and corrupt figure than his successor, cited when he finally turned down the offer that President Bill Clinton brokered between Ehud Barak and Arafat; that were he to accept that agreement as preferential as it was to the Palestinians, he would be signing his own death warrant.

As with the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David in 2000 to negotiate and conclude successfully a "final status settlement" to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, so likewise with the
U.S.- and Egypt-brokered plan on the verge of a peace deal eight years later. Long gone from office, former prime minister Ehud Olmert had hinted years ago how puzzled he had been by failure, when he felt success was close enough to touch.

"I began by presenting the principles of the arrangement that I was proposing", Mr. Olmert later wrote in his soon-to-be-published memoirs, excerpted in the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth. "After I finished, Abu Mazen [Mr. Abbas] sighed deeply, and asked to see the map that I had prepared. I spread it out. He looked at it, and I looked at him. He was silent."

What the map made clear to Mr. Abbas was a possible way out of the dilemma posed to each side by the presence of the problematical and long-standing West Bank settlements housing tens of thousands of Israelis. Major settlement blocs in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, according to the proposal, would be left in Israel's hands. In exchange the Palestinians would receive land upon which majority Palestinians lived.

It represented an equal exchange of land, but with each side logically receiving land that their own lived upon. For the Palestinians it was land incorporated into the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with a narrow corridor of approach from one to the other. Jerusalem would be partitioned between its Jewish and its Arab neighbourhoods, and this would allow for each nation to install their capitals within their portions of the city.

The contested holy site location - where the holiest site in Judaism exists, with the third-holiest site in Islam sitting directly over it, would be administered by an international, special-purpose committee comprised of representatives from both parties, including as well the United States, Jordan and Saudi Arabia; a fully-inclusive governing body.

"Never before had any Israeli prime minister presented such a crystallized and detailed position about resolving the conflict as was presented to him on that day", wrote Mr. Olmert. "For the first time since the negotiations began, I was very tense. For the first time since I had become prime minister, I truly felt the weight of Jewish history on my shoulders, and despite the fact that I was confident that I was doing the right thing, the negotiations were very heavy."

So "heavy", in fact, that they collapsed. In intense negotiations that had preceded this meeting that been ongoing for eight months, none of the offers proved acceptable to Israel by the Palestinians who had themselves offered major concessions. The Palestinians had offered to surrender claims to large parts of East Jerusalem, gave up demands for refugee return, agreed they would share Jerusalem and its holy sites.

And it was the Israelis who adamantly pressed for more concessions. At this meeting Mr. Olmert had the indelible impression that the sides had finally moved together, that each was meaningfully responding to the other, affirmatively. "Take the pen and sign now", he urged Mr. Abbas. "Give me a few days", Mr. Abbas responded. "I don't know my way around maps. I propose that tomorrow we meet with two map experts, one from your side and one from our side. If they tell me that everything is all right, we can sign."

The following day Palestinian negotiators called to say Mr. Abbas had forgotten he had a previous appointment in Jordan. The Palestinian Authority/Israeli meeting would have to be postponed. And that was the day, as it happened, that Mr. Olmert was replaced as leader of his governing party.

"I haven't met with Abu Mazen since then", wrote Mr. Olmert.

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Conferring with the President

That venerably righteous, lance-tongued elder statesman, former American president, Jimmy Carter, is at it again. Understandably, since the Middle East and its unnervingly complex intrigues is his 'specialty', although he reserves his right to impose his humanitarian and progressive views on that troublesome continent of Africa, as well.

Mr. Carter continues to stand as tall as his years will permit him, with the experience garnered through his international travels, and as president of that great United States of America, at a time of huge social and political turmoil.

One would think he is far more self-assured and can avail himself of far more knowledge and integrity through his experiences than he appeared in 1979, when he was vexed, perplexed and completely unnerved by the fall of the Shah of Iran and the inexplicable rise of the fiercely Islamist Ayatollah Khomeini.

When Iranian passions ran high and volubly named the United States as the Great Devil whom Islam must defeat, taking 66 American embassy diplomats and workers hostage for 444 agonizing, and frightfully indecisive days. He could claim the inglorious blight of failed negotiating attempts for their release.

Along with the ill-fated and amazingly amateur Operation Eagle Claw rescue operation in 1980, which failed miserably. The mission saw the destruction of two aircraft, the deaths of no fewer than eight American servicemen, attempting to do their sworn duty on behalf of the President of the United States of America.

It would take the following year to see the release of the hostages, just in time for President Carter to turn over the seal of office to his successor, a far more able administrator. Who successfully faced down the world's most tyrannical ideology. And may not have been in full possession of his intellectual faculties at the time. Which leads one to question the extent of Mr. Carter's.

Yet here is Jimmy Carter, doing his inevitable shtick again: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, he has declared, must leave office. On the authority of his having brokered the 1979 peace accord between Egypt and Israel, one that was initiated without him, one that would have been inevitable, given the courage and determination of Anwar Sadat, but which success in helping to implement has been the shining star of his legacy in office.
President Mubarak has "become more politically corrupt" of late, he opinioned, determined to "perpetuate himself in office". And the current crisis in Egypt represents "...the most profound situation in the Middle East since I left office". It is interesting that this protest is given greater substance than that which occurred in Iran, than the American invasion of Iraq and the subsequent horrendous descent into violent chaos between Sunni and Shia.

But President Carter is a man of international stature. When he names the only democracy in the Middle East which should represent as a model of governance for its neighbours, an Apartheid state, it could not conceivably be construed as vicious slander. A simple misunderstanding of someone who cannot conceive of a Jewish state whereas Arab states make profoundly good sense.

And he is a Nobel laureate, after all.

Like the current president, Mr. Obama. Two American presidents, thirty years apart in their administrations, each of whom has faced an upheaval in the Middle East in countries which they held impressive levels of influence with. History may question President Carter's inept handling of the Iranian Revolution. But Mr. Carter has taken it upon himself to question President Obama's handling of the current situation, shaping up as the Egyptian Evolution.

He did not, presumably, confer beforehand with the current president.

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Idol Preempts Bones March 3rd

"Meanwhile, "Idol" is now set for two hours on Thursday, March 3 at 8:00/7:00c - its first results show of the season. The expanded installment, news of which has been confirmed to the site exclusively, will pre-empt "Bones" that night."CLICK TO READ MORE AT THE FUTON CRITICSource: The Futon CriticTipster: The Lab Forum

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Egypt: A New Spirit of National Pride

FOX Synopsis: The Bikini in the Soup

BONES (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) – “The Bikini in the Soup”The liquefied remains of a wedding planner are found in her home tanning bed on Valentine’s Day, and Cam pressures her team to solve the case in time so she can celebrate the holiday with her boyfriend. While the “squints” works tirelessly in the lab, Booth and Brennan interrogate a slew of possible suspects until they unlock classified

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"Until about 1964 most comic books in the Middle East were in either English or French.... Then a forward-looking editor began to wonder why comic books could not be translated into Arabic." Illustrated Publications, a Beirut-based company, did just that, starting with Superman. As a reporter for "Al-Kawkab Al Yawmi" he swooped into the Middle east from distant Krypton on February 4, 1964. The mild-mannered report, Clark Kent, became Nabil Fawzi, whose name roughly translated to "Noble Victory". The text of the comics was translated, but the rest of the comic looked an awful lot like the Superman of the United States, except the covers lacked context, Superman's S logo was reversed, and some of the colors were skewed in odd ways.



"A group of the Islamic Action Front (IAF) met on Sunday with Prime Minister Samir Rifai and gave him our demands in writing," Zaki Bani Rsheid, member of the IAF's executive council, said.

"These demands include the resignation of the government, the amendment of electoral law and the formation of a national salvation government headed by an elected prime minister."

IAF secretary general Hamzeh Mansur said the meeting was "the beginning of a dialogue" with the government.

"King Abdullah II has got and grasped the people's message. We now hope he will act quickly," he said.


Season 6 Episode 18 Title: The Feet on the Beach

The title for episode eighteen is The Feet on the Beach. This episode has been eluded throughout the season in spoilers. :)Tipster: Mietar

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Episodic Photos: The Bikini in the Soup

BONES: Brennan (Emily Deschanel, R) and Hodgins (TJ Thyne, L) investigate the remains of a wedding planner found in her home tanning bed in "The Bikini in the Soup" episode of BONES airing Thursday, Feb. 17 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2011 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Ray Mickshaw/FOXBONES: Brennan (Emily Deschanel, L), Hodgins (TJ Thyne, C) and Booth (David Boreanaz, R) investigate the

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Moshe Phillips explains on News Real Blog why Hosni Mubarak may go to the House of Saud for refuge and retirement if he's ousted:
The so-called Arab Street knows something that most Americans don’t–and that the media has thus far missed.

For decades, Saudi Arabia has sheltered the most brutal, anti-American and anti-Semitic dictators and strongmen that the Islamic world has to offer. Despite half a dozen successive U.S. administrations’ claims to the contrary the Saudis are not the benign trustworthy American allies they seek to be portrayed as. The rogue’s gallery of criminals that the House of Saud has given sanctuary and protection to should be clear evidence of that.

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the former president of Tunisia, is just the latest to take advantage of Saudi hospitality.
Spot on, and there's more at the link. It wouldn't surprise me if they'd given haven to nazi war criminals following WW2. Mubarak has proven himself just as bad as many other dictators in the Islamic world, and he'd fit right in with the awful Saudi monarchy.

Is Obama following the Carter strategy of fomenting unrest, then sitting by as America's enemies take over?

First the United States helps to undermine a stable but unpalatable ally. See "The American Left’s Role [the Obama left's role] in Leading Mid-East Regime Change."

Then we stand by and let America's enemies come to power in the aftermath. See "Clinton on Egypt: 'We're not advocating any specific outcome'."

Just as Carter did in Nicaragua and Iran. Undermining a stable but unpalatable ally COULD be tenable, but not in the absence of any plan or effort to guide the nation towards a superior alternative. So instead of the Shah and Somoza, we got the Stalinist Sandinistas and the Islamofascist Ayatollah. This time we could well get the Muslim Brotherhood (the parent organization of al Qaeda).

Obama already propped up the Islamofascists in Iran

In the wake of Iran's stolen 2009 election, Obama said that the future of Iran had to be decided by Iranians, but he did not say it had to be decided by legitimate election. On the contrary, he called for letting the regime's legal process decide the matter and only asked that the Islamofascists try not to kill too many people in the process of enforcing their election theft:
My understanding is, is that the Iranian government says that they are going to look into irregularities that have taken place. ...

I think it's important that, moving forward, whatever investigations take place are done in a way that is not resulting in bloodshed and is not resulting in people being stifled in expressing their views.
Whatever the outcome of the election conflict might be, Obama expressed his determination to proceed with diplomatic engagement (i.e. with friendly concessions). To justify all this passivity, Obama invoked the assumption that the whole world hates America as much as he does. If we took the side of the Iranian people, it would only de-legitimize their cause:
I want to start off by being very clear that it is up to Iranians to make decisions about who Iran’s leaders will be; that we respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran, which sometimes the United States can be a handy political football...
Thus obama left the field to the Islamofascists, insuring the failure of the side we should have backed: the Iranian majority.

Now after a public-private consortium of his own minions has helped to undermine the a psuedo-ally in Egypt, Obama seems to be doing the same thing. America will stay out of the aftermath (can't make ourselves the issue!) again leaving the field to the Islamofascists. Unlike Iran in 2009, the Islamofascists are not the challenged regime this time, but are one of the challengers: a small but organized sect, poised to steal the regime change, just as the Nicaraguan communists managed to do with Carter's help/acquiescence in 1979.

Carter's post-presidential career proves he favored the communists all along

Time has revealed Carter's post-presidential career as an elections monitor to have been in pursuit of legitimately elected Communism. I can't find the citation, but I once read a report from someone on the scene in Managua when Sandinista presidential candidate Daniel Ortega was defeated by Violeta Chamorro in the Carter facilitated Nicaraguan election of 1990. Carter reportedly spat a stream of the most bitter vituperation over the Communist defeat. The closest reference I can find is this statement from Steven Hayward that "Carter returned to the U.S. bitterly disappointed that his Sandinista pals had been turned out."

Since then Carter has given up on achieving a legitimate communist electoral victory and has become a shameless backer of communist election stealing. (Ibid.)

If Obama acquiesces in the rise to power of Muslim Brotherhood favorite El Baradei, it will be pretty clear that he is indeed pursuing the Carter strategy for advancing America's enemies.

UPDATE: Well, that didn't take long. Top Obama Middle-East advisor pens op-ed: "Don't fear Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood." Also, "US Ambassador in Cairo Margaret Scobey spoke on the phone today with Mohamed ElBaradei."

Too bad the American people were never apprised of the overwhelming evidence that Obama is actually a Muslim.

Blazing Cat Fur: Video: Toronto's Egyptian Freedom Support Rally Hijacked By Islamists & Their Pseudo-Leftist Enablers

Blazing Cat Fur: Video: Toronto's Egyptian Freedom Support Rally Hijacked By Islamists & Their Pseudo-Leftist Enablers


The AFP, as is often the case, isn't providing very good coverage, but the news itself is important to note:
The Israeli army on Monday rearrested Hamas lawmaker Mohammed Jamal al-Natsh, five months after he was released from prison, Palestinian security officials said.

Natsh, 53, was arrested in the West Bank town of Hebron.

He spent eight years in detention, Palestinian officials said, during which time he ran elected for office.

An Israeli military spokeswoman said Natsh was rearrested "because he's a Hamas activist," but did not elaborate.

Israel has in recent months begun rearresting dozens of Palestinian MPs with the Islamist movement Hamas who were first detained in 2006 after Gaza militants seized Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
And the Hamas officials should be kept locked away, because they're hell-bent on Israel's destruction, and it helps in the war on terrorism.


The New York Sun has written about Ariel Sharon's POV of Egypt, but considering his act of defeatism and dhimmitude, I can only say that I wish I could appreciate this more than I do:
Some murmurs of surprise were heard. In theory, after all, Egypt and Israel had been at peace since Camp David. But the man who was about to become prime minister of Israel said that not only was Egypt the most hostile but it was also the most dangerous. It was the most populous Middle East country; it was influential in the Arab world. Egypt had something like 12 divisions in its Army alone, one of the 10 largest air forces in the world, and millions of males of military age. In recent years, it had been armed and trained by America. That worried him. He didn’t belittle the fact that some Egyptians were prepared to gamble on peace. But the gamble had cost President Sadat his life, and the peace had been cold. In the order of battle, the great strategist had his eye on Egypt.

As Egypt is engulfed in flames, we can’t help thinking of Ariel Sharon’s warning. He was prepared to treat with Mr. Mubarak, and did on a number of occasions, but he never had illusions about him. He was well aware of Mr. Mubarak’s machinations against Israel in the United Nations, of his agitation against Israel’s nuclear capacity, of the fact that if Egypt really wanted to stop the arms smuggling into Gaza it would have.
But now, almost 6 years after he expelled Jews from their homes, and even came dangerously close to uttering something anti-semitic when he said that there would be no Jews left in Gaza after what he did, I'm afraid Sharon's viewpoint is largely nullified. Especially after the Hamas ultimately took over the Gaza strip, and rockets were fired at Jewish residences, mainly in Ashkelon.

Based on this, I don't think the NY Sun is making much of an impact. Granted, the view of Islamofascism dominating Egypt and why it's dangerous is a very vital argument, but Sharon is no longer someone to look to for the explanations, as he trashed them shortly before he went comatose.

I would recommend Prof. Paul Eidelberg instead, as he spotted the problems too, and unlike Sharon, Eidelberg hasn't betrayed his principles.

Synopsis: The Daredevil in the Mold

BONES (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) – “The Daredevil in the Mold”A BMX rider’s remains are discovered on the roof of a warehouse after a failed bike stunt. While Booth and Brennan interrogate the victim’s fellow riders, Hodgins (TJ Thyne) and newly mellowed “squint” Fisher (guest star Joel David Moore) identify the numerous fractures in the victim’s skeletal structure, and Angela (Michaela Conlin)

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JORDAN: Protesters call on government to resign



Seoul records coldest January in 5 decades
The grueling cold has been the talk of the town and it turns out this isn’t just a feeling people get whenever winter comes. In fact, the weather during January was the coldest in nearly five decades, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), Monday.





ANNE BAYEFSKY: Mohammed El Baradei – The Iranian Frontman.

Posted at 11:33 pm by Glenn Reynolds




No EU equals No Cognac - what will they claim next?

Open Europe blog, linked here, reports French Europe Minister Laurent Wauquiez as claiming the EU has saved Cognac. As it was a much earlier member of Jean Monnet's family who laid out the detailed regulations covering every aspect of Cognac production, nothing could be more absurd.

As a commentator to that blog notes the EU cannot avoid interfering in every aspect of daily life, however, read here.

Those stars these times or these stars those times?

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Sleeping Dangerously - Mountain Sleeping - 17 Pics

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G4 Mac clock - 21 Pics

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