"Too big to succeed" - a superior summary of our present plight!
The EU has clearly become too big to succeed. Many of our banks became to big to manage or properly regulate and consequently failed so spectacularly that they are now threatening the survival of once sovereign states.
Progressivism has become a code word for marxism. The civil society is a tool for the eradication of individual responsibility and even freedom of thought.
An ancestor of mine, in an introduction to a book on Borneo, wrote in 1910 as follows:
"One night I was at anchor with a Dyak crew on the Saribas River, waiting for the turn of the tide. About 3 a.m. I was awakened by a frightened cry from one of the crew : " Antu ! antu !" (A spirit, a spirit!). Thinking myself lucky at last in a chance of actually seeing one of those invisible beings whom Dyaks dread so much, I pushed my head from under the mosquito-curtain, and looked out, and beheld a comet brightly shining not far above the horizon. Presently I heard a school-lad say : " That's not a spirit ; it's only a star with a tail. I have learnt about it." There was the old superstition and the new knowledge struggling together, a symbol of what is going on in other departments of Dyak thought and belief — the working of that which, it is to be hoped, will issue in a higher and an improved life for the race. Our Author's book will evoke a lively interest in such an improvement in Dyakland, and will inspire a deeper sympathy with every progressive effort towards it."
In this example we can see the original use of the term 'progressive' intending the bringing of education and enlightenment on a continuing basis. Such is not the meaning intended when coming from the mouths of corporatists such as Cameron, Clegg or Miliband, nor indeed by any of the various corrupted automatoms serving the EU!
'Too big to fail' is a patent nonsense as is daily being demonstrated in the EU. If the unregulated banks truly became too big to fail, then so too are the nations which must rescue them, yet Ireland today neatly proves this to be as completely absurd as it always was.
Progressives, such as former Prime Ministers Blair and Brown, wishing to install a self-perpetuating Platonic elite for the benefits of their cosy clique and later heirs, deliberately destroyed our democracy, parliamentary sovereignty and now the nation's very currency in pursuit of feeding their own personal greed and lust for power. Cameron, Clegg and Miliband are intent on continuing this project.
Today's Progressives aim to destroy individual responsibility. An individual human, made afraid to trust his own judgement and stand on his own two feet to make his way in the world, may turn to socialism or worse and thus become dependent on evil elites solely serving their own ends. On a national basis the same disastrous errors are possible, making entire nations dependent on supra-national arrangements such as the EU, solely for the benefit of the power-crazed elites who control them. Naturally democracy has to be an early victim for such schemes to succeed.
It is our minds, however, that they must eventually neuter. The mainstream media of the West, particularly in Britain, gives daily evidence of how close they are now coming to achieving that end. Andrew Neil's Channel 4 TV programme last evening, where he was to be seen totally at sea in trying to grasp why a once decent education system had been totally destroyed in the UK gave proof of the Progressives progress towards that end!
Labels: Global Civil Society, Progressivism, Too big to succeed
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