The Mawkish Madness of Mrs Merkel.
From last week, only German voters will any longer have democratic say in the running of the 27 former nation states of the EU! Germany's leader, Frau Merkel was proclaimed triumphant as she swept all before her at the EU summit which ended last weekend!
11 - 3 - 11 the date of that EU meeting, would thereafter be symbolically carved on the tombstones of Europe's democracies, just as this blog surmised but feared on the morning of that day.
Yet it was another event, occurring almost simultaneously that day, in Fukushima, as long feared, whose consequences now highlight the enormity of the disaster into which the EU is sleepwalking, and the idiotic ludicrousness of Europe's almost half a billion citizens, putting their fate into the hands of such an electorate and the kind of leaders it produces, leaders crying out to be replaced by saner, no doubt crueller and therefore potentially non-democratic versions of humanity.
How long will the Germans allow themselves to be ruled by feminine intuition and impulsive emotionalism and what will their replacements' attitude be to their deliberately economically crushed, and therefore fawningly dependent, subjugated neighbouring states?
Der Spiegel, has an article, linked here, claiming that Mrs Merkel's announcement of the immediate shutdown of several older nuclear power stations in Germany, (following the tsunami in Japan) is based on political calculations in the face of local elections in Germany due this month. It is headlined as follows:
Moratorium Seen as Ploy to Placate Voters
Enough said?
Labels: Merkel, Millennium Blitzkrieg, The Crash
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