EU steps closer to destroying its first member state. Ecofin endgame looms!
EurActiv carries the report, linked here, of the likely first successful conclusion of the dismemberment of a founding member state, in this case one of the original six founding countries and the one providing the main home base to the now clearly thoroughly evil institution. The following are extracts from the linked report:
The French-speaking Belgian community will adopt the name "Federation Wallonia-Brussels," it emerged yesterday after a debate in the Walloon parliament in Namur.....
The article later continues with this startling further explanation:
The political declaration, which has not been enacted at federal level, was announced yesterday (4 April) by Rudy Demotte, premier of the Wallonia region and representatives of Belgium's four biggest French-speaking parties – the Socialists (PS), the liberals (MR), the centre-right (cdH) and the Greens (Ecolo).
"In this framework, the four French-speaking parties state loud and clear that for them, the Brussels-Capital Region would never be transferable to another entity," Demotte stated.
The EU has fostered a policy of denigrating nationhood with just such an end clearly in mind. Nation's remain the sole guarantors of democracy and individual liberties for all the people finding themselves today locked in the totalitarian grip of the EU, now clearly heading towards federation, as announced by the head of the ECB on Monday evening, as reported on this blog yesterday, which speech has been almost everywhere else deliberately ignored in the mainstream media.
Prime Minister Cameron has made himself absent from the country while these events are underway, leaving the nation under the control of his Deputy PM Clegg; himself a clear agent of the EU.
An emergency debate should be called in Parliament ahead of the Budapest Ecofin, where the federal arrangements will likely be finalised, if the Euro currency (given events in Portugal) is to be saved from its deserved collapse.
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