April 14, 2011


First, let's note this report from The Patch (via Weasel Zippers), which reveals something most disturbing discovered a day or so ago:
A suspicious package containing a letter and a stuffed animal bearing the Star of David was opened at state Sen. Greg Ball’s Albany office Tuesday afternoon.

The letter begins with “Asa Lamu Laikum Dead Man Walking,” (the first part of which some sources translate as “peace be upon you” in Arabic) refers to Ball (R, C – Patterson) as a “crazy, Christian cracker” who lacks political correctness, citing Friday’s hearing on homeland security, veterans and military affairs. The letter, whose signer identifies him or herself as a messenger of Allah and a defender of Islam, calls the hearing a “declaration of war against Muslims.”

According to this report on MSNBC.com, the hearing, which was aimed at assessing New York’s readiness for terrorist attacks, featured speakers who “argued that Islam is a threat to the U.S.” and spoke of terrorist training camps.

A statement released by Ball’s office Tuesday afternoon did not mention any other items in the package, but other news outlets reported the arrival of hazardous materials teams at the office.

Ball is looking forward to the next hearing, which is slated for May 17 in Albany.
Now, guess who sent both that and the threat letter with a pig's foot to Rep. King (via Newsbusters):
A Muslim woman has admitted to mailing a bloody pig’s foot and a threatening letter to Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), as well as another bizarre package to a New York state senator.

The woman, Jameela Barnette, of Marietta, Ga., says she sent the package to King earlier this month to voice her dismay with the hearing he held last month on what he calls the “radicalization” of American Muslims.

“I thought the letters explain themselves,” she told the New York Post, speaking not only of the anti-Semitic note to King, but the one she says she sent to state Sen. Greg Ball, a Republican who has held his own hearings on Muslims and hosted King at the most recent hearing last week.

Just after the package to King was intercepted at a Maryland mail facility earlier this month, a congressional source told POLITICO the accompanying letter was “a rambling type” of message that referred to the congressman as a “Jew,” though he is Catholic.

King told POLITICO on Thursday that Barnette “obviously has problems” and “appears to be a disturbed person who seems to be getting carried away with herself.”

He wouldn’t speculate about what might come next, saying only: “I’ll let the police know how serious this is.” Capitol Police did not immediately respond to a request for comment. They said earlier this month that the investigation was ongoing.

The package sent to Ball included a Curious George stuffed animal with two Stars of David taped to it and a note that said, “FINAL DESTINATION: AUSCHWITZ.” Barnette told The Journal News that she sent the monkey because “I knew the Jews were behind the hearings. A monkey is a representation of who the Jews are.” The “Curious George” series of children’s books were written by Holocaust survivors.
If this woman did indeed send packages, not only will CAIR have to eat their own words victimology, but this shows how some Muslims are not faithful to their restrictions against pork, if that's what it takes to assault infidels.


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