Discourse about religion is no longer a taboo item for religious affairs in Indonesia, only just emerging epidemic pergolakannya always interest to investigate further, because he brought religion and doctrine is the unity that can not be separated intact from the nature of humanity. Especially now that exist and occur in Indonesia, the conflict between religious affairs are still too continue and form a chain as if there would be no unfailing.
Since then inspire the emergence of the universal spirit of change which is always the basic ideals of our religion. During this time, like what was said by Moeslim Abdurrahman, Transformative Islam in his book, that even if social justice is the major joints of religion, but if the injustice does not happen to "us" or relative "us", then "we" do not pay attention, still too mengkungkung soul religious actors, especially in Indonesia. As happened in Poso, Ambon, Palu, attacked the Ahmadiyya Community. The most typical case is a glimpse of an affirmation of ideology.
Ideology of the truth of their religion and other religious untruth as rooted in religious principles respectively. Self-purification of the religion into something that is inevitable, so the awareness of good relations with other religions has been eroded. And Nietzsche says "truth is an illusion" and not more than that, because basically the truth belongs to God alone, while the justification is only a mere human constructs.
The man who created a social imbalance, and not based on religious doctrine. And any religion that exist in this world, every action must be condemned for kedzaliman and deprivation of human rights over the interests and purposes whatsoever, including the name of religion itself.
Man in the name of egoism has removed the basic foundation of their religion. He no longer sees the importance of the above from it, in terms of social benefits. Lil'alamien rahmatan Ideology is no longer meaningful as it should, even more distant.
Considered important to instill the spirit in this country, because only through inter-religious spirit of comradeship is the life of the country which recorded the presence of his face. Indonesia as a country that is very diverse and require the growth of the case. In other words the spirit of Ika nation depends on unity in the Bhinneka religion. In understanding the spirit of pluralism or pluralism on the basis of beliefs about the essential unity behind the formal differences, namely the universal unity that carries the torch enforcement irregularities that occurred in the country of Indonesia.
So the attitude of harmony and tolerance between religious communities is at stake. As always warned-warned Cak Nur, is the only national unity can realize the lofty ideals of the nation. Understanding attitudes toward other religions should be required for other religions.
The transformation of the basic view to sekte familial require religious communities to receive a positive attitude every other religion, because this attitude is as one of the spirit of unity in directing the imbalances that occur in the united states and in the alleviation of poverty, corruption, and fight the disaster victims.
This orientation is one of attitude that must be firmly held by the nation of Indonesia, because Indonesia is a democracy and plurasilme paradigm no room for opposition parties who want to stand alone and ignore the social life. The existence of oblique views and attitudes of other religions do not have to assume the attitude of tolerance toward other faiths so that blame all of that cornerstone, the attitudes and doctrines of other religions including the development of anti-democracy and pluralism.
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